
As a private person you expect the merchandise you purchase to be of good quality at a reasonable price. We obviously expect the same features when our suppliers are concerned.

For our supplier chain we exclusively choose high-performance partners assisting us in strengthening and extending the competitiveness of our products by technological progress and constant cost optimization for the benefit of our customers.

We expect from our suppliers:

  • High Quality
  • Certification according to quality management system ISO 9001
  • Day accurate delivery
  • Supply of small or medium sized production lots
  • Yearly rationalization effects
  • Flexibility according to market demand fluctuations
  • Reliability with regard to contract binding
  • No mutual economic dependences

To become a supplier

You are interested in becoming ELHA supplier? Then please fill in the form and mail it to our purchase department. Please follow our instructions:

  1. Download form “Supplier´s Self Assessment”.
  2. Fill in and save on your PC.
  3. Then mail a copy of your saved and filled-in form with possible annexes (certificates, organigram) to our purchase department. einkauf@elha.de

We thank you for your assistance and look forward to a good cooperation.

Purchase conditions (DE) Supplier self-assessment (DE)

Fax: +49 (0) 5257 / 508–270